Here’s to new beginnings!

I’ve thought for a long while about starting a blog; I know this seems like a small feat, I mean it seems like everyone and their grandmother has one. There’s something like 6.7 Billion people on this earth, and more than 156 million of us have blogs (thank you, Wikipedia). Well… plus 1, hopefully. Writing one is seems  so revealing; you get a glimpse into another person’s life, their beliefs, their hopes and dreams, their interests, their reflection of the world. Some blogs are really good- they’re honest, heartfelt, inspiring, and sometimes extremely funny.

I want this little piece to be mine; a place where I can share what I love about my crazy corner of life, and maybe let you share too.  So what better way to start then share 10 things about me.

TEN THINGS PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME (and some that a few do):

  1. Yes, I am 25 years old and absolutely terrified of clowns.

    Stephen King- I hate you.

  2. Both of my middle fingers are crooked.
  3. I share my birthday with three relatives: My great Uncle John (truly a fantastic man!), my beautiful Aunt Tracy, and my second Cousin, Marie. And uhh.. Bill Clinton.
  4. I can’t watch any commercial with people eating. The sound of amplified chewing and smacking makes my skin crawl.
  5. I am a”transplant”. Born in the great state of MI, but I call Knoxville, Tennessee home. Good old rocky-top.
  6. Chelsea Clinton and I were both married on the same day, July 31st.
  7. Cash & Cari is one of my favorite shows. I love that she makes the old new and hip again. She has really inspired me to start my own projects, because of her I call myself a craftaholic. It’s all her fault…..
  8. I have a crazycrazy calico named Sushi.
  9. I secretly dream of being a singer/banjo player in a bluegrass band. I already have a band name picked out!
  10. It honestly took me since October to get up the guts to write this blog.

I’m going to try to do my absolute best to make this blog unique, and to update it as frequently as possible. I want this place to share what new projects I’m working on, new recipes I’ve discovered, and things that I find interesting. I can’t promise this blog is going to be an award-winner (do they even give blogs awards?), but what I can promise is that this will be an adventure.


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