Ode to an Avocado

So this isn’t exactly a Tasty Tuesday post.

Any of you who knows me outside of cyberspace, knows I love food…. no not love- adore. People can have love affairs with books, shoes, clothes, their spouses (*wink wink*); I have mine with food (and well my hubby–but that’s for another post). Give me a home-grown tomato, crispy bacon and a few leaves of lettuce, and I’d be a happy girl.

Julia Childs- I'm glad someone else realized how memorizing the smell of melted butter can be.

It’s been quite warm here in Knoxville, unseasonably warm, which means the skirts and sandals have come out early, as well as the farmer’s markets. Regrettably, we have yet to venture out to one, but it is in the works and I am eagerly awaiting it. There’s just something about fresh produce that still has the smell of earth on it. I like the idea of being able to shake the hand of the farmer that grew my food. Things just taste better when you know they’re grown with care.

I have been eating a lot of Avocados recently; they’re delicious, and high in nutrients. Can I just say, I love when I find out that something I like to eat is actually good for me, like with dark chocolate, being able to justify that second piece is better than a nap on Sunday.

I haven’t ventured with many  recipes with avocados yet, my standard has been a killer guacamole recipe I found on Pinterest (if you don’t have a Pinterest account please do, it’s amazing); I am all for simple recipes, and all this little recipe entails is slicing the avocado, adding lime juice, dehydrated onion and diced tomatoes, and dumping it in the food processor. Easy peasy.

Good…. but I want more! So this is where you come in dear readers, post me your avocado recipes! I want them if their complicated or cave-man easy, but please post them!

UPDATE: If you get Pinterest, you can follow me at therockerswife!

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